The original algorithms are still available under a selectable version option for compatibility with previously corrected images. The new Keystone tool enables you to perform high quality perspective corrections directly in Phocus. The camera returns to the working aperture selected when live view is discontinued. Keystone Perspective Correction The new Keystone tool enables you to perform high quality perspective corrections directly in Phocus. Local adjustment of highlight recovery Highlight recovery has now been added to the palette of local adjustment tools, allowing for quick and precise correction without the need for manual masking. The new Negative Response is suitable for reproduction of black and white negative film. Send Cart in an Email Done! hasselblad phocus

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Phocus makes use of its detailed knowledge of the lens design and calculates the optical corrections for every shot at the given distance and aperture setting, providing perfect images, and an ideal basis for puocus image rendering and further processing. The Keystone Tool enables you to perform high quality perspective corrections directly in Phocus.

In the reproduction tool, you now have the choice of 2 additional response modes. Your Shopping Cart will be saved and you'll be given a link. Founded inHasselblad is one of the leading manufacturers of digital medium format cameras and lenses.

Please add products before saving: Local adjustment of highlight recovery Highlight recovery has now been added to the palette of local adjustment tools, allowing for quick and precise correction without the need for manual masking.

hasselblad phocus

The highly professional H System, with its latest line up of the H6Dc, H6Dc and H6Dc Multi-Shot, offers the ultimate image quality and resolution with 50, and megapixel solutions. Duringwe have made several updates and introduced new features and benefits to the Phocus software.

Hasselblad Phocus 3.3 Update

The camera returns to the working aperture selected when live view is discontinued. Integrated control of broncolor flash equipment Photographers using Wi-Fi-enabled broncolor flash equipment now have the ability to control their flash settings via Phocus 3.

Used in conjunction with the Clarity tool, Phocu allows for a more nuanced control of local contrast allowing for users to fine-tune their images.

To finalize your subscription, confirm your subscription in the e-mail we just sent to you. About Hasselblad Founded inHasselblad is one of the leading manufacturers of digital medium format cameras and lenses. Stay connected with our monthly newsletter and be the first to know about new product releases, deals and special industry events. Skip to content Phocus Phocus is an free software package designed for Hasselblad cameras. Thank you for subscribing Your subscription has been registered, we hope that you will enjoy our newsletters.

The new Keystone tool enables you to perform high quality perspective corrections directly in Phocus.

hasselblad phocus

Send us a message and we'll be in touch with you within business days. Detail Slider A new addition to the exposure toolset of Phocus 3. Phocus Our hasselbad, free RAW file image processing software has been updated and expanded with new features that work seamlessly with all Hasselblad cameras. For compatibility with previously processed files, the original algorithms are hasselboad available via a drop-down selector. There is also Phocus Mobile which integrates an iPad or iPhone into the workflow and Phocus Quick for one touch image preview.

Phocus – Tether Tools

Added camera response options In the reproduction tool, you now have the choice of 2 additional response modes. Please refer to the software manufacturer for detailed information regarding capabilities for your camera. This can be done separately for both the normal and a newly added proof mode. Additionally, the dual-axis correction capability is extremely useful when copying flat artwork.

Your cart email sent successfully: This can be done both via a simple guideline interface or manual slider adjustments. Expanded Live View Aperture Option For users working in a tethered capture environment, the new Live View Aperture option allows for the camera to automatically open to the widest aperture possible or to use the selected aperture instead when activating live view. This becomes especially useful when photographing with flash in-studio, where the strength of the modelling lamps is not suitable for viewability due to the exposure settings of the camera.

Hasselblad Phocus Update

Phocus is an free software package designed for Hasselblad cameras. Additionally, the dual-axis correction capability is phhocus useful when copying flat artwork. Stay updated with our latest press releases Get our press releases by subscribing to our mailing list. Have a look at this Shopping Cart sent by a friend via Tether Tools. This enables photographers to fully utilise the dynamic range available in their images.

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Phocus Tutorial Karl Taylor Play video.


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